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Schiedea genome evolution & phylogenomics

Schiedea membranacea flowers

We are currently focused on growing seeds from the Hawaiian endemic genus, Schiedea, one of the most highly endangered plant groups in Hawai'i. Tissue from the plants will be used to estimate genome sizes via flow cytometry.


We are also part of a collaborative effort to reconstruct species-level phylogeny of this lineage using a custom-designed probe set. Schiedea is a morphologically diverse group that includes spectacular variation in pollination and breeding systems and serves as a sort of natural laboratory for evolution in Hawai'i.


Phylogeny & evolution of American milkweed vines

We use phylogenomic approaches to understand milkweed vine evolution. I am a specialist in subtribe Gonolobinae. My future aims are to investigate population genomics of rare species and to also address issues with species delimitation and hybridization. Many species are rare; a data informed approach is needed to develop conservation priorities.

Relevant publications:

McDonnell, A., Parks, M., & Fishbein, M. (2018). Multilocus Phylogenetics of New World Milkweed Vines (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Gonolobinae). Systematic Botany, 43(1), 77-96. Link.

McDonnell, A. & Fishbein, M. (2016). Matelea hirtelliflora (Apocynaceae), a new species of milkweed vine from Northeast Texas. Systematic Botany. 21(3). 781-786. Link.

McDonnell, A. & Fishbein, M. (2016). Polystemma canisferum (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae): a distinctive new gonoloboid milkweed vine from Sonora, Mexico. Phytotaxa, 246(1). 78-84. Link.

McDonnell, A., M. Fishbein, M. Quinn, T. Hare, and K. Keith. (2015) Matelea chihuahuensis (Apocynaceae): An addition to the flora of the United States and a synopsis of the species. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 9(1), 187-194. Link.

McDonnell, A. 2014. Non-twining milkweed vines of Oklahoma: an overview of Matelea biflora and Matelea cynanchoides (Apocynaceae). Oklahoma Native Plant Record, 1:67-79. Link.

Phylogenomics & population biology of Angiosperms

We are generally interested in understanding broader patterns in plant speciation and putting diversity into an evolutionary context. This sort of work illuminates processes of hybridization, the spread and evolution of key innovations, reproductive isolation, and other facets of biology critical to conservation and other biodiversity studies.  Ongoing collaborations include Australian eggplant relatives in the genus Solanum.


Some relevant publications:

Zuntini, A. R., Carruthers, T., Maurin, O., Bailey, P. C., Leempoel, K., Brewer, G. E., many others including McDonnell, A.J.... & Baker, W.J. (2024). Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms. Nature. Link.

Cooper, B. J., Moore, M. J., Douglas, N. A., Wagner, W. L., Johnson, M. G., Overson, R. P., Kinosian, S.P., McDonnell, A.J.,... & Wickett, N. J. (2023). Target enrichment and extensive population sampling help untangle the recent, rapid radiation of Oenothera sect. Calylophus. Systematic Biology. Link.

Gagnon, E., Hilgenhof, R., Orejuela, A., McDonnell, A., Sablok, G., Aubriot, X... & Särkinen, T. (2022). Phylogenomic discordance suggests polytomies along the backbone of the large genus Solanum. American Journal of Botany. Link.

Wenzell, K. E., McDonnell, A. J., Wickett, N. J., Fant, J. B., & Skogen, K. A. (2021). Incomplete reproductive isolation and low genetic differentiation despite floral divergence across varying geographic scales in Castilleja. American Journal of Botany. Link.

McDonnell, A., Moore, C.L., Schuette, S., and Martine, C. (2021) Population genomics and conservation of Erigenia bulbosa (Apiaceae), an edge-of-range species in Pennsylvania. International Journal of Plant Sciences. Link.

Cantley, J. T., McDonnell, A. J., Branson, J., Kobara, J., Long, S. R., Garnett, W., & Martine, C. T. (2020). Temperate Eurasian origins of Hawaiian Chenopodium (Amaranthaceae), plus description of a new subspecies endemic to Moloka ‘i. Systematic Botany. Link

Martine, C., Jordon-Thaden, I., McDonnell, A., Cantley, J., Hayes, D., Roche, M., Frawley, E., Gilman, I., and Tank, D. (2019) Phylogeny of the Australian Solanum dioicum group using seven nuclear genes, with consideration of Symon’s fruit and seed dispersal hypotheses. PLoS ONE. Link.


Population genomics and conservation 

Erigenia bulbosa, the harbinger of spring, in flower in western Pennsylvania.

We use genomics to better understand structure and gene flow within and among populations of rare and/or declining species to better inform conservation and management decisions as a collaborative effort with botanists and conservation practitioners.

Relevant publications:

McDonnell, A., Moore, C., Schuette, S., and Martine, C. 2021. Population genomics of Erigenia bulbosa (Apiaceae), a rare plant in Pennsylvania. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182(5). Link.

Moore, C., McDonnell, A., Schuette, S., and Martine, C. 2021.  Lepidopteran granivore reduces seed counts in a rare species of riparian scour prairies. Natural Areas Journal 41(1). Link.

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